
Software Engineer with a core competency in leading engineering teams with an emphasis on front end development. Equipped with a Computer Information Systems background I've collaborated with both product and design teams to deliver software across multiple vertical markets including FinTech, health, and publishing.

I've primarily worked with tech stacks involving JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Apollo, Redux, SCSS/LESS, CSS-in-JS, Node, Express, GraphQL, SQL, and NoSQL.


  • Software Engineering

    I'm a software engineer with experience using JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Apollo, Redux, React Native, SCSS/LESS, CSS-in-JS, Node, Express, Python, Django, GraphQL, SQL, NoSQL, AWS, and focused on C++ during college.

  • Project Management

    I have served in leadership roles managing websites that draw in tens of million of pageviews per month, in addition to working as project manager for four projects, one of which was with Northrop Grumman.

  • Writing and Editing

    I've worked as an Executive Editor, Managing Editor, and Technical Editor responsible for writing and editing content. Since 2009 I've published hundreds of gaming/technology reviews, guides, and interviews.

home lending pal software

Home Lending Pal

While working as Lead Front End Developer at Stackend Solutions I spearheaded front end development of Home Lending Pal, an AI-powered mortgage advisor built on the React ecosystem.

Read More About Home Lending Pal

conmitto software


During my time at Stackend Solutions I additionally led front end development of Conmitto, a maintenance, repair, and operations web application built on the React ecosystem.

Read More About Conmitto

movementx home page


For more than a year I served as Lead Full Stack Developer for MovementX, a physical therapy company. I worked directly with a team of doctors to develop their platform using JavaScript, SCSS, Python, Django, and PostgreSQL, with deployments and DevOps work performed on AWS. Additionally, I crafted a prototype for a custom blog titled MovementX Health using Gatsby, React, and GraphQL.

Read More About MovementX

Demo MovementX Health

Redux Saga Frontier

This is a React and JavaScript based game allowing users to randomize then confirm a group of four characters to embark on a journey. The program is intended to demonstrate the handling of array structured state with Redux in React, and served as an exploratory side project for my experimentation with sagas and generators. Two APIs are used with references to one another to provide sprite avatars and character data.

View Redux Saga Frontier Repository

Demo Redux Saga Frontier


Using GraphQL for API definition on a Node, Express, and MongoDB back end with React, Apollo, and Styled Components on the front end, this project for a fictional auditing company allows users to assign auditors to various projects and define their parameters. I built this prior to onboarding in my PwC role to become acquainted with their technology stack.

View AuditQL Repository

SpaceX Flights

This React-based website is a virtual museum for all SpaceX flights. Users are able to view information regarding each mission provided by an unofficial SpaceX API.

View SpaceX Flights Repository

Demo SpaceX Flights

Flight & Flight Architect

This project is for a fictional private space travel company called Flight. The website was built using HTML and SCSS to demonstrate intermediate level front-end web development techniques. The project is linked to an interactive React web application called Flight Architect.

View Flight Repository

Demo Flight

Demo Flight Architect

Hack the Now and Next: The Future of Media Hackathon

I was a member of the Weird A.I. team that earned third place out of 60 participants at Globant's The Future of Media hackathon.

View Weird A.I. Repository

Demo Weird A.I.

Ladybug Frogger

This is an pseudo object-oriented JavaScript ES6 game that plays similar to the retro classic Frogger.

View Ladybug Frogger Repository

Demo Ladybug Frogger


This dynamic library management system is for a fictional video game rental company. The website uses Node, Express, Pug, and the SQL ORM Sequelize to interface with a SQLite database containing games, customers, and rentals.

View GameTrial Repository

Demo GameTrial

Glynne Davies Portfolio

I constructed and set up SEO for the official portfolio of Glynne Davies, a Seattle based stylist I met while at a photoshoot for GoDaddy.

View Glynne Davies' Portfolio

ArcGIS Challenge

For this timed coding challenge I used the ArcGIS API to build a map scene in React that allows the user to filter an array of objects and display the location and attributes of the filtered results.

View ArcGIS Challenge Repository

Demo ArcGIS Challenge

Meme Database

This React project allows a user to browse a database of categorized memes with a Material UI front-end that delivers a Google-esque presentation.

View Meme Database Repository

Demo Meme Database

Northrop Grumman Reporting System (CIS-490 Project)

I was project manager for my senior project where I worked with five other students in joint application design format. Our client was Northrop Grumman, who wanted a reporting system that would allow users to upload project reports to a repository.

Download Northrop Grumman Reporting System Final Report

Hack the Now and Next: AI Edition Hackathon

I was a member of the Recycle Bits team that earned 2nd place out of 60 participants at Globant's February 2018 hackathon. Our project utilized Microsoft Cognititive Services' image-processing algorithms to determine whether an object in a user-submitted image is recyclable or not.

View Recycle Bits Repository

View Recycle Bits Repository

Valve Interview

In 2017 I went to Valve's headquarters to interview founder Gabe Newell among other senior management at the company.

View Valve Interview

Elite: Dangerous Article

In 2017 I wrote a detailed story about my journey deep into the Milky Way galaxy in a game titled Elite: Dangerous.

View Elite: Dangerous Article